Monday, 11 April 2016

Ava's Homemade Cot Bumper

Wow! Three whole months since my last blog post. Clearly I have commitment issues when it comes to updating this blog! Thankfully I've been a bit more motivated when it comes to actually making things. Last month I took a week off work to concentrate on a couple of sewing projects.

It. Was. BLISS! 

A whole week of sewing, drinking tea and listening to Kate Bush on repeat... heaven! I made myself a jumpsuit ahead of my holiday to Marrakech (photos to come) and I put the finishing touches to the cot bumper I made for baby Ava. And here are the results! Definitely worthy of London's tiniest fashion diva even if I do say so myself!

Clockwise from top:
My 'studio' for the week/ The finished Cot Bumper/ Close-Up/ The Cot Bumper in its new home!

Cot bumper baby Vlisco fabric